Planinarski dom Vaganundina koliba; restoran u samoj okolici Fužina, Crikvenice, Novog Vinodolskog

Lokalni specijaliteti
Smještaj u planinarskom domu

- Planinarski dom / Mountain chalet
- Restoran / Restaurant
- Lokalni specijaliteti / Local specialties
- Vegetarijanska jela / Vegetarian dishes
- Jela od divljači / Wild game dishes
- Gulaš od divljači / Wild game stew
- Deserti / Desserts
- Smještaj u planinarskom domu / Accommodation in mountain chalet
- Sobe / Rooms
- Fužine
- Novi Vinodolski
- Crikvenica

Mountain Chalet Vagabundo's Hut
Mountain chalet Vagabundo's hut offers you delicious local specialties made with fresh local ingredients. On our menu you will find tasty game dishes including delicious wild game stew, great vegetarian meals prepared with wild plants and delicious desserts.
Recharge your batteries, spend a few days on a mountain surrounded by beautiful green woods. There are 3 double bedrooms and a dormitory at your disposal in our mountain chalet.
Restaurant, near by Fužine,Crikvenica, Novi Vinodolski
If you have never tasted nettle soup or nettle burgers, our mountain restaurant near by Fužine, Crikvenica or Novi Vinodolski is the perfect place to do it. We offer you a wide variety of local mountain dishes such as wild garlic bread, wild game stew, elderberry juice etc. We are committed to satisfying our customers with great food and excellent service.
We cook what nature gives us! Fresh and all natural foods!